when i rotate the camera, or some other element, through obzh.rotation.y, only the Y coordinate changes. When you rotate the camera through OrbitControls, all 3 coordinates change, here is an example
as you can see in this example, I have displayed the camera rotation along 3 axes
And even when rotating only along the Y axis, all 3 axes change. The same thing happens in PointerLockControls. I already asked a similar question some time ago Attaching an object to the camera's y-axis
Everything looks great, but the axles are still jumping
The problem is this: I need to get the correct rotation coordinates in order to smoothly bring the mesh rotation to the camera rotation, for example, if the camera angle is 30 degrees greater, then each frame adds 1 degree to the mesh. the same thing with the x coordinate, only for another object. In fact, I have already come up with a solution, but for this I will have to abandon OrbitControls and go to camera.lookAt(), in which case I can attach the camera to the mesh, which I can already rotate around the object I need, and take the rotation coordinates of the mesh, but it seems to me this is a bad decision, but what do you say?