PointerLockControls r3f drei typescript setting useRef

import { PointerLockControls, PointerLockControlsProps } from '@react-three/drei';

const plControls = useRef<PointerLockControlsProps>(null!);
<PointerLockControls ref={plControls} />

given the above, I’m getting the error

Type 'MutableRefObject<PointerLockControlsProps>' is not assignable to type 'Ref<PointerLockControls> | undefined'.

I tried setting plControls to useRef but that doesn’t work since PointerLockControls isn’t a type. Any workarounds or help to the problem is appreciated!

doesnt the ide show the type why you hover the ref? it should. PointerLockControlsProps refers to the component props. all of drei uses stdlib instead of examples/jsm, you want the actual class thats being used in the end.

import { PointerLockControls as PointerLockControlsImpl } from 'three-stdlib'

const plControls = useRef<PointerLockControlsImpl>(null!)
<PointerLockControls ref={plControls} />
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