PointerLockControl keep shoulder horizontal

hello ,

in pointerLockControl if i move mouse camera change direction , in most case “shoulder” keep horizontal but sometime -when lot of processing or low power computer - i can lost horizontal so i write a case to correct that which work fine ,and as you can see in code below i use camera.applyQuaternion .

i would like to change way to keep horizontal by setting directly camera.matrix with camera.matrix.makeBasis(camera_axe_x_init,camera_axe_y_init,camera_axe_z_init);

but it doesnt work . It is like there is no update , dont understand what happen in this case .

question : how can i update direction of camera after i have directly setted her matrix ?

thank .

  var camera_axe_z = new THREE.Vector3();
	var camera_axe_y = new THREE.Vector3();
	var camera_axe_x= new THREE.Vector3();
	var camera_axe_x_plan=new THREE.Vector3();
	var camera_axe_x_ortho=new THREE.Vector3();
	var camera_axe_z_init=new THREE.Vector3();
	var camera_x_origin = new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0);
	var vec = new THREE.Vector3();

	//rotation around camera_axe_x
	var rotateX = new THREE.Quaternion();
	//rotation around camera.up
	var rotateZ = new THREE.Quaternion();
	//rotation correction to get shoulder horizontal
	var rotate_correction = new THREE.Quaternion();
	var angle=0;
	var angle_correction=0;


	function onMouseMove( event ) {

		if ( scope.isLocked === false ) return;

		var movementX = event.movementX || event.mozMovementX || event.webkitMovementX || 0;
		var movementY = event.movementY || event.mozMovementY || event.webkitMovementY || 0;
		camera_axe_z.setFromMatrixColumn( camera.matrix, 2 );
		camera_axe_y.setFromMatrixColumn(camera.matrix , 1 );
		camera_axe_x.setFromMatrixColumn( camera.matrix, 0 );
		angle = camera_axe_z.angleTo( camera.up );
      var newAngle = angle - movementY*0.002;
      if ( newAngle>0 && newAngle<Math.PI ) { rotateX.setFromAxisAngle(camera_axe_x,-movementY*0.002);  
	//	scope.dispatchEvent( changeEvent );
     // to keep shoulder horizontal

	  if( Math.abs(camera_axe_x.z) > 0.001 ){ 
        console.log( camera_axe_x.x+":"+camera_axe_x.y+":"+camera_axe_x.z );
        angle_correction = camera_axe_x.angleTo( camera_axe_x_plan );
        console.log('correction made');

       console.log( ' start control axe' ); 
        camera_axe_z.setFromMatrixColumn( camera.matrix, 2 );
	   	camera_axe_y.setFromMatrixColumn(camera.matrix , 1 );
	   	camera_axe_x.setFromMatrixColumn( camera.matrix, 0 );
		   console.log( camera_axe_x.x+":"+camera_axe_x.y+":"+camera_axe_x.z );
		   console.log( camera_axe_y.x+":"+camera_axe_y.y+":"+camera_axe_y.z );
		   console.log( camera_axe_z.x+":"+camera_axe_z.y+":"+camera_axe_z.z );
 		    console.log( ' end control axe' ); 