I am learning react three fiber, i wanted to ask how can i load and parse a JSON file as an animation and assign it for an onclick on a certain mesh, can anyone help with this
Best Regards
I am learning react three fiber, i wanted to ask how can i load and parse a JSON file as an animation and assign it for an onclick on a certain mesh, can anyone help with this
Best Regards
is this something that vanilla can do ootb? in that case you do it the same way. is there perhaps a bit of code you could show?
export function Model(props) {
const group = useRef(null);
const actions = useAnimations(props.glb.animations, props.glb.scene);
// console.log(sprayAnimation);
useEffect(() => {
for (const actionName in actions.actions) {
// Pause when finished
actions.actions[actionName].clampWhenFinished = true;
// Play once
// Start after number of seconds (should have play before it)
return (
<primitive object={props.glb.scene} />
In the model i have a certain mesh that i want to have an onclick interaction on it, and when its pressed i want it to play the JSON file animation that i have in my public folder
i created this function to find and get the desired mesh
function getMeshByName(scene, name) {
let targetMesh = null;
scene.traverse((object) => {
if (object instanceof Mesh && object.name === name) {
targetMesh = object;
return targetMesh;
But how can i assign an onclick interaction to it and parse the JSON file as an animation to it
Where are you getting your JSON from ?
Nowadays we tend to use GLTF format for loading / exporting animations…
I think for the the threejs JSON format though, you can use:
To load it… and then pull the animations out once it’s loaded.
if you want pointer events on particular contents of the scene it is best to use GitHub - pmndrs/gltfjsx: 🎮 Turns GLTFs into JSX components
<primitive onPointerOver={e => ...} onPointerOut={...} onClick={...}