OrthographicCamera with black background

Hi guys

I’m using OrthographicCamera and when I render my objects this black background is appearing, I don’t know how to remove it.

Does anyone know why this is occurring?

The curious thing is that this is hiding my object

my camera is this

   this.camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera();
     this.camera.left = this.cameraWidth / -2;
     this.camera.right = this.cameraWidth / 2;
     this.camera.top = this.cameraHeight / 2;
     this.camera.bottom = this.cameraHeight / -2;
     this.camera.near = -1000;
     this.camera.far = 10000;
     this.camera.position.z = 5000;

and my controls

    this.controls.rotateSpeed = 0.5;

    this.controls.enableDamping = true;
    this.controls.dampingFactor = 0.1;

    this.controls.screenSpacePanning = true;
    this.controls.panSpeed = 0.7;

    this.controls.enableZoom = true;
    this.controls.mouseButtons = {

This could be your empty canvas showing, in the area not occupied by 3D models.

Try to add transparency to the renderer setup, like so:

new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
  alpha: true,

this will make the canvas transparent and you should see the html page showing through it.

If you want to change the canvas color use scene.background property.

also your camera near should be greater than 0, but I don’t think that is the cause your problem.

I can’t see any benefit of using a negative number here.

hello, you’re right it’s really better to use a value above zero even if that’s not actually the problem. I will follow your advice. Thanks.

Alpha actually solves part of the problem. Is there a way to have a view of the plan almost infinitely. I mean, without the html or background part appearing?

I currently have this visualization above and it doesn’t seem so correct to me

it gets to a point where the model itself is hidden and I can’t make it visible

Some background will always be present, either the canvas or html page, nothing can be endlessly transparent.

Your camera has a near and far planes, you can only see models in between those planes depth-wise (and within the frustum side borders).

As seanwasere noticed, you need to set your near plane to be positive; to increase visibility you can increase far plane value but not to infinity and it has its side-effects such as more obvious z-fighting.

You can also move your camera close of course, and decrease near value to keep the model inside the frustum.

Actually following your comments I got an interesting result. and it’s exactly as you said. A chandelier to make the model stand on the trunk.

this.camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera();
this.camera.left = this.cameraWidth / -2;
this.camera.right = this.cameraWidth / 2;
this.camera.top = this.cameraHeight / 2;
this.camera.bottom = this.cameraHeight / -2;
this.camera.near = 1;
this.camera.far = 1000;