I’m trying to implement zoom to cursor with an OrthographicCamera and OrthographicTrackballControls. I disable zoom in OrthographicTrackballControls and use the following function on mousewheel:
zoomDirection = new THREE.Vector3();
function mousewheel(event) {
var amount = event.deltaY / 100;
var zoom = camera.zoom - amount;
var factor = 1;
var offset = el.offset()
var mX = amount > 0 ? 0 : ((event.clientX - offset.left) / renderer.domElement.clientWidth) * 2 - 1;
var mY = amount > 0 ? 0 : -((event.clientY - offset.top) / renderer.domElement.clientHeight) * 2 + 1;
zoomDirection.set(mX, mY, 0.5)
.multiplyScalar(amount / zoom)
camera.zoom = zoom;
This seems to work at first: the camera zooms into the mouse point, but then the camera starts to “jump” around after a bit of zooming, with the mesh no longer visible on screen.
Something that might help: I have an axis helper in the screen as well that “flips” when it stops working as expected. When the scene is loaded, the X-axis helper point due left, but when I get to the point where the camera jumps and I no longer see the mesh, the X-axis helper sometimes (but not always) flips to point due right.
Also, if I zoom OUT first, I can zoom in further before the mesh disappears. I’m not sure what this all adds up to but I would appreciate any help.