Obj file rendering Issue in Chrome

Hello! I’m currently working with three.js to load OBJ files. I’ve encountered an issue where the 3D model doesn’t render correctly and appears broken when viewed in Chrome. However, when I check the same URL in Firefox, everything looks fine. Any insights on how to resolve this?

I used svelte with three.js

Here’s my code.

let scene: THREE.Scene;
let camera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera;
let renderer: THREE.WebGLRenderer;

onMount(async () => {
  const url = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);

  const ratio = 0.5833;
  const browserHeight = window.innerHeight;
  modelHeight = Math.floor(browserHeight * ratio) + 'px';

  scene = initScene();
  camera = initCamera();
  renderer = initRenderer(container);
  const controls: OrbitControls = initControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
  controls.enableDamping = true;

  camera.position.z = 70;
  window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false);

  function animate(): void {
    renderer.render(scene, camera);

  renderer.setSize(container.offsetWidth, container.offsetHeight);

function initScene(): THREE.Scene {
  const scene: THREE.Scene = new THREE.Scene();
  scene.background = new THREE.Color(0xffffff);
  const ambientLight: THREE.AmbientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x404040);
  const directionalLight: THREE.DirectionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(
  directionalLight.position.set(0, 1, 1);
  return scene;

let initialCameraState = {
  position: new THREE.Vector3(),
  rotation: new THREE.Euler(),
  zoom: 1,

function initCamera(): THREE.PerspectiveCamera {
  const cam: THREE.PerspectiveCamera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(
    window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight,
  cam.position.z = 5;
  cam.position.y = 10;

  initialCameraState.zoom = cam.zoom;

  return cam;

function resetCameraToInitialState() {
  camera.zoom = initialCameraState.zoom;
  camera.position.z = 70;

function initRenderer(container: HTMLElement): THREE.WebGLRenderer {
  const rend: THREE.WebGLRenderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
    antialias: true,

  if (container) {
    rend.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
    return rend;

function getContainerSize() {
  return {
    width: container.clientWidth,
    height: container.clientHeight,

function updateCameraAndRenderer() {
  const { width, height } = getContainerSize();
  camera.aspect = width / height;
  renderer.setSize(width, height);

function onWindowResize(): void {

function initControls(
  camera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera,
  rendererElement: HTMLElement
): OrbitControls {
  const controls: OrbitControls = new OrbitControls(camera, rendererElement);
  controls.enableDamping = true;
  return controls;

function loadObj(scene: THREE.Scene): void {
  const objLoader: OBJLoader = new OBJLoader();

  objLoader.load($mesh_url, (object: THREE.Object3D) => {
    const box: THREE.Box3 = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(object);
    const size = box.getSize(new THREE.Vector3());
    const center = box.getCenter(new THREE.Vector3());

    object.position.x += object.position.x - center.x;
    object.position.y += object.position.y - center.y;
    object.position.z += object.position.z - center.z;

    const maxDim = Math.max(size.x, size.y, size.z);
    const fov = camera.fov * (Math.PI / 180);
    let cameraZ = Math.abs((maxDim / 2) * Math.tan(fov * 2));
    cameraZ *= 1.1;
    const minZ = box.min.z;
    const cameraToFarEdge = minZ < 0 ? -minZ + cameraZ : cameraZ - minZ;

    const far = camera.position.z + cameraToFarEdge * 3;
    camera.far = far;



Try adding this inside the OBJ load callback:


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Thank you for answering my question!
I applied the code as per your suggestion, and while it has improved the situation, I’m still experiencing some issues. The model are clearer than before, but not perfect.
Is there any keyword make this model perfect?

I’m running identical code in both browsers(chrome, firefox), and I’m curious about the visual differences in how they render the images. Is this a known issue related to browser compatibility?

function loadObj(scene: THREE.Scene): void {
    const objLoader: OBJLoader = new OBJLoader();

    objLoader.load($mesh_url, (object: THREE.Object3D) => {

      // added
      object.traverse((e) => e.isMesh && (e.material.side = THREE.DoubleSide));

      const box: THREE.Box3 = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(object);
      const size = box.getSize(new THREE.Vector3());
      const center = box.getCenter(new THREE.Vector3());

      object.position.x += object.position.x - center.x;
      object.position.y += object.position.y - center.y;
      object.position.z += object.position.z - center.z;

      const maxDim = Math.max(size.x, size.y, size.z);
      const fov = camera.fov * (Math.PI / 180);
      let cameraZ = Math.abs((maxDim / 2) * Math.tan(fov * 2));
      cameraZ *= 1.1;
      const minZ = box.min.z;
      const cameraToFarEdge = minZ < 0 ? -minZ + cameraZ : cameraZ - minZ;

      // camera.position.z = center.z + cameraZ;
      const far = camera.position.z + cameraToFarEdge * 3;
      camera.far = far;


Added result

What did I expected

That’s very strange. Can we take a look at your OBJ file? Or can you create a codepen or a glitch that shows the issue?

I encountered an issue where the 3D model appeared distorted on my screen. Interestingly, this problem started to manifest at a specific point while I was actively working on the code related to 3D model rendering. I remember modifying the code for rendering, and at some juncture, the model began displaying distortion. However, after rebooting or switching to different browsers like Edge or Firefox, it displayed correctly. While I’d like to share the OBJ file, it’s part of a collaborative project. So, my plan is to thoroughly review the code from the moment the issue appeared to identify any duplications or omissions. Thanks for your help

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