my GLTFLoader is working fine but when i want to add draco compressed gtlf it wont load
d even i add the draco gtlf cdn import and draco is loaded and working as you see in the code example
the compressed gtlf i working in gtlf viewr
even it loading in gtlf viewr
this is the orginal gtlf link model : ( “ ”,)
this is the orginal draco gtlf link model : ( )
my live code : compassionate-sea-b9e1mj - CodeSandbox
January 4, 2023, 5:27pm
Your code sandbox seems to be loading a bus in. Is this what you intended? Maybe the loading was restricted by available memory or something?
this is the orginal gtlf link model and = its working as i said before but the other gtlf model its not working wich is this this = the draco gtlf link model : ( )
i linked the both model links to but theree is something messing
January 5, 2023, 12:42am
Okay, I think I got it working. Just change this:
to this (specify the folder instead of the js file):
and use the reduced glb url too.
Here’s the updated codepen. cool-resonance-v2p8k6 - CodeSandbox Hope this helps
wow man , do you know i tried this before and it didnt work … thanks man i apprecete your help
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