I made an animation in Blender, it works fine and loops properly, but loading the model in my app makes it loop with a noticeable gap for some reason. All other animations work for me fine but this one doesnt.
Here is the blendfile attached. It is a very simple model with one animation attached.
animation1.7z (105.1 KB)
Can anyone help here?
Best Regards
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The animation seems accumulative, so i fixed it by selecting āBake All Objects Animationsā
I tried exporting it with āBake All Objects Animationsā on. However it has the same gap as before. I tried changing the model in another way to see if the changes are reflected in the app, just to be sure the app is using this model and it does. I see the result you are demonstrating in the example. That is how it is supposed to look like but unfortunately if i export it the same way it doesnt work.
Is it possible i can get your blend file of my modified version(octo-arm)?
And is it possible that i get the exported model of your working example too?
Not sure what i am doing differently here. From the Export Settings everything seems to be unchanged i guess and the default settings are being used, except āBake All Objects Animationsā being turned on.
Best Regards
I used your .blend
file. I opened it in Blender 4.2, exported as glb, with defaults, but also ticked āBake All Object Animationsā
The output glb file used in my example is downloaded on demand from https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Sean-Bradley/assets@main/models/octo-arm.glb
I tested it with the same version of Blender, with āBake All Object Animationsā on, and the rest with defaults. But it doesnt work for me, what i get is this export here which has a gap in the loop just at a different position.
tail1.7z (4.0 KB)
My theory is that this is a Blender issue, so if you try to export the animation from my blendfile again, but this time set the timelinehead at a different position, like frame 4 or 8, it will export the animation with a gap for some reason and if you then try to set the head on the timeline back to 0 it will have the gap on a different position again.
So that could be because since its a dynamic animation, meaning the first bone after the root is moving only an the rest are moving along with it, since i used bone constraints on each, the animation will for some reason be always different.
Itās not something I know about. Maybe this kind of animation is not supported by the glTF format. Thats why it worked when i baked it.
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I see thanks for the help.