Migration from VueJS 2 to 3 not working due to "render"

I’m upgrading my app to VueJS 3. I read that you could keep the same components. But I have an error in the console now, although I didn’t change anything. Here is my component:

      style="background-color: transparent; position: fixed; left: 20px; width:15%; height:100%;">
    <v-row class="text-center">

        <h2 class="headline font-weight-bold mb-3">

        <v-row justify="center">

            Client: {{ JSON.stringify(client)}}
            Mouse: {{ JSON.stringify(mouse)}}
            Container: {{ JSON.stringify(container)}}


import * as Three from 'three';

export default {
  name: 'Accueil',
  mounted() {
  methods: {
    init() {
      this.userData.formes.forEach((x) => this.createShape(x));
      window.addEventListener('resize', this.onResize);
    onResize() {
      const container = document.getElementById('menu3D');
      this.renderer.setSize(container.clientWidth, container.clientHeight);
      this.camera.aspect = container.clientWidth / container.clientHeight;
    createScene() {
      this.renderer = new Three.WebGLRenderer({
        antialias: true,
        alpha: true,
      const container = document.getElementById('menu3D');
      this.renderer.setSize(container.clientWidth, container.clientHeight);
      this.renderer.setClearColor(0xffffff, 0);

    createCamera() {
      const container = document.getElementById('menu3D');
      this.camera = new Three.PerspectiveCamera(50,
        container.clientWidth / container.clientHeight, 0.01, 1000);
      this.camera.position.set(0, 5, 20);
      this.camera.zoom = 1;

    createShape(shape) {
      const material = new Three.MeshStandardMaterial({
        color: '#0000ff',
        roughness: 1,
        metalness: 0.5,
        emissive: 0,
        depthFunc: 3,
        depthTest: true,
        depthWrite: true,
        stencilWrite: false,
        stencilWriteMask: 255,
        stencilFunc: 519,
        stencilRef: 0,
        stencilFuncMask: 255,
        stencilFail: 7680,
        stencilZFail: 7680,
        stencilZPass: 7680,
      switch (shape.nom) {
        case 'Box': {
          this.geometry = new Three.BoxBufferGeometry(1.8, 1.8, 1.8);
        case 'Sphere': {
          this.geometry = new Three.SphereBufferGeometry(1, 8, 6, 0, 6.283185, 0, 3.141593);
        case 'Dodecahedron': {
          this.geometry = new Three.DodecahedronBufferGeometry(1.2, 0);
        case 'Icosahedron': {
          this.geometry = new Three.IcosahedronBufferGeometry(1.5, 0);
        default: {
          return false;
      this.mesh = new Three.Mesh(this.geometry, material);
      this.mesh.name = shape.nom;
      this.mesh.userData = shape.userData;
      this.mesh.receiveShadow = true;
      this.mesh.castShadow = true;
      this.mesh.position.set(0, shape.userData.position.y, 0);
      return true;

    addSpotlight(color) {
      const light = new Three.SpotLight(color, 2, 1000);
      light.position.set(0, 0, 30);

    addAmbientLight() {
      const light = new Three.AmbientLight('#fff', 0.5);

    verifForme(e) {
      const t = this;
      const elt = t.scene.getObjectByName(e);
      t.intersects = t.raycaster.intersectObject(elt);
      if (t.intersects.length !== 0) {
        // s'il ne figure pas dans le tableau, on le met en premier
        if (t.userData.souris.indexOf(e) < 0) {
          console.log(`${t.userData.souris[0]} survolé!`);
        if (t.userData.souris[0] === e) {
          const obj = t.intersects[0].object;
          obj.scale.set(obj.scale.x < 1.4
            ? obj.scale.x + t.VITESSE_ZOOM
            : obj.scale.x, obj.scale.y < 1.4
            ? obj.scale.y + t.VITESSE_ZOOM
            : obj.scale.y, obj.scale.z < 1.4
            ? obj.scale.z + t.VITESSE_ZOOM
            : obj.scale.z);
          obj.rotation.y += t.VITESSE_ROTATION / t.RALENTISSEMENT;
          t.replacer(obj, obj.userData.position.y + obj.userData.decalage);
        } else {
          t.retrecir(e, elt);
      } else {
        if (t.userData.souris.indexOf(e) >= 0) {
          t.userData.souris = t.userData.souris.filter((forme) => forme !== e);
        t.retrecir(e, elt);

    onClick(event) {
      if (this.userData.souris.length > 0) {
        console.log(`${this.userData.souris[0]} cliqué!`);
      } else {
        console.log('clic dans le vide!');

    onMouseMove(event) {
      const container = document.getElementById('menu3D');
      this.mouse.x = (event.offsetX / container.clientWidth) * 2 - 1;
      this.mouse.y = -(event.offsetY / container.clientHeight) * 2 + 1;
      this.client.clientX = event.clientX;
      this.client.clientY = event.clientY;
      this.container.width = container.clientWidth;
      this.container.height = container.clientHeight;
      // console.log(JSON.stringify(this.mouse))

    replacer(e, py) {
      // la ligne suivante est pour éviter les tremblements
      if (Math.abs(e.position.y - py) < 0.05) { return true; }
      let rhesus = 10 * this.VITESSE_DEPLACEMENT;
      if (this.userData.souris[0] !== e.name) { rhesus *= 3; }
      // console.log(e.name+': '+this.userData.souris[0]+' - '+rhesus)
      if (e.position.y > py) { rhesus = -1; }
      e.position.set(0, Math.trunc(10 * e.position.y + rhesus) / 10, 0);
      return true;

    retrecir(n, e) {
      // on vérifie si le truc cliqué est dessus
      let dec = 0;
      const elt = this;
      if ((elt.userData.souris.length > 0)
        && (elt.userData.formes.map((x) => x.nom).indexOf(n)
        < elt.userData.formes.map((x) => x.nom).indexOf(elt.userData.souris[0]))) {
        dec = Math.trunc(10
          * e.parent.getObjectByName(elt.userData.souris[0]).userData.decalage
          * 2.1) / 10;
      e.rotation.y += elt.VITESSE_ROTATION;
      e.scale.set(e.scale.x > 1
        ? e.scale.x - elt.VITESSE_ZOOM : e.scale.x,
      e.scale.y > 1
        ? e.scale.y - elt.VITESSE_ZOOM : e.scale.y,
      e.scale.z > 1
        ? e.scale.z - elt.VITESSE_ZOOM : e.scale.z);
      const newY = e.userData.position.y + dec;
      if (e.position.y !== newY) {
        elt.replacer(e, newY);

    animate() {
      const elt = this;
      this.raycaster.setFromCamera(this.mouse, this.camera);
      this.userData.formes.map((x) => x.nom).forEach((x) => elt.verifForme(x));
      if (this.userData.souris.length > 0) {
        document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer';
      } else { document.body.style.cursor = 'default'; }
      this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera);
  data: () => ({
    container: { height: 0, width: 0 },
    client: { clientX: 0, clientY: 0 },

    scene: new Three.Scene(),
    camera: null,
    renderer: Three.WebGLRenderer,
    mesh: new Three.Mesh(),
    factor: 0,
    mouse: new Three.Vector2(1, 1),
    raycaster: new Three.Raycaster(),
    intersects: [],
    VITESSE_ZOOM: 0.05,
    userData: {
      souris: [],
      formes: [
          nom: 'Box',
          userData: {
            position: {
              x: 0,
              y: 7.8,
              z: 0,
            couleurs: [
            decalage: 0.5,
          nom: 'Icosahedron',
          userData: {
            position: {
              x: 0,
              y: 5.5,
              z: 0,
            couleurs: [
            decalage: 0.5,
          nom: 'Dodecahedron',
          userData: {
            position: {
              x: 0,
              y: 3.1,
              z: 0,
            couleurs: [
            decalage: 0.4,
          nom: 'Sphere',
          userData: {
            position: {
              x: 0,
              y: 1,
              z: 0,
            couleurs: [
            decalage: 0.2,

And here is the error I have in the console with VueJS 3:

three.module.js?5a89:24471 Uncaught TypeError: 'get' on proxy: property 'modelViewMatrix' is a read-only and non-configurable data property on the proxy target but the proxy did not return its actual value (expected '#<Matrix4>' but got '[object Object]')
    at renderObject (three.module.js?5a89:24471)
    at renderObjects (three.module.js?5a89:24458)
    at Proxy.WebGLRenderer.render (three.module.js?5a89:24258)
    at animate (HelloWorld.vue?fdab:192)

If anyone has got a clue, thanks in advance…

Seems to be already answered at stackoverflow:

Well, actually no, the user says “Most likely simply not compatible. It is still too early for Vue 3”.

I’m not developing Vue or Three. I contacted the Vue Community on Discord, they said it’s not due to Vue so they won’t fix it. That’s why I’m trying to check with the ThreeJS community.
If it’s neither VueJS’s nor ThreeJS fault, I don’t know who’s fault it is :slight_smile:

Maybe somebody in the ThreeJS community knows how to integrate ThreeJS in VueJS 3 applications, because that is the problem.

PS: thanks for having accepted my post.

they said it’s not due to Vue so they won’t fix it.

I highly doubt that. The framework probably uses an approach that does not work with three.js and potentially other libraries. But then it’s the problem of Vue.

That is what I thought too, because I only encounter the problem with VueJS 3 and the error message really makes me think Vue has changed something maybe too deep for me.
But they say on Discord that what they fix only what’s in the Vue official documentation :frowning:
I think my only hope is that a good coder spends some time on a vueJS3 threeJS plugin!

Maybe this gets more traction if more users like you run into this issue.

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vuejs > 3, threejs, typescript (using partly the workaround from stackoverflow):

I have only actually used Vue2, not used Vue3, but I still think your issue is as mentioned in the link provided by @Mugen87 :

doesn’t make much sense to put the THREE data structures into Vue reactivity system

In Vue2, it means do not put three.js objects in data() function or $set three.js object.

Why Vue2 OK may because Vue2 use defineProperty but:

Vue 3 is using new reactivity system base on ES6 proxies.

And because you are using Vue3, if you realy want use three.js in a MVVM data-binding way, I recommend a Vue3-three.js library that personally feels very good GitHub - troisjs/trois: ✨ ThreeJS + VueJS 3 + ViteJS ⚡