Mesh from Blender is being transformed to Group in ThreeJs

Hi, I have two changed my model from Garage to Garage.001.

The problem is that now my gltf loader loads meshes as Group instead of Mesh.
In the Garage version scene.children[0] is an instance of Mesh and has other meshes as its children.

In the Garage.001 scene.children[0] is an instance of Group and doesn’t have geometry property so I cannot access it.

Do you have any idea of what might be a problem? Is it smth with exporting method (I believe I didn’t change anything)?

Just a guess: Mesh.014 has three (3) materials assigned to it.
I wonder what you get to see when you click that little triangle ‘>’ left of Mesh.014?

Concepts like multi-material meshes do not map 1:1 from Blender to glTF to three.js. Each mesh created by THREE.GLTFLoader will have exactly one material. You may want to instead split the meshes in Blender and name them for easy identification.


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