Merge threejs with HTML

Some experiment while learning new stuff Start


I never understood what makes some people think their first(!) “learning” steps already match the quality criteria for the showcase category? Is it overconfidence? :roll_eyes:

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This is pretty slow on my iPhone but it actually looks pretty good!

Great, it is not for mobile devices.

Looks great! Been thinking I need to make a few demos like this to show potential new clients as examples of what they can have.

yes this works nut only desktop, mobile must be html

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I think the technique displayed here is cool, regardless of the strange aesthetic (does it matter? officials examples are like this too), the point is to show three’s possibilities out of the classic “3D scene”

The design is basic I don’t care about that… I just wanted to share the effects that I created and yes this HTML/WEBGL margin will be more and more used but it is really difficult to put everything together.

This is one of my favorites

Thanks for the clarification. I didn’t recognice the effect as related to WebGL at all. I was expecting something 3D. Apparently I was a bit harsh - apologies to @Tibi!

I understand now why you were confused, no problem if you look int the demo at the images and video on top those are render in threejs bsed on elements from a HTML page and have a few shaders applied on it just look what happen when you scroll, there is also an animation in the background that also interacts with the images shaders…

It’s a nice website indeed :100: !

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This is the final effect course the design is not good is just a template I work on.

Please let me know your thoughts