Making the scene more realistic

Hello, i just created a kitchen with a 3d models that i got from skitchfab, then i imported the models in the scene, and added some lights, but the models are not looking realistic, any tips to how we can make the kitchen and the models more realistic without manipulating the models material in blender, i need all the work to be done in my react three fiber environment.
this is how my kitchen room looks like

and i need a help to make it something like this

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Thanks for Replying @manthrax , but can we use it with react three fiber ?

In theory yes:

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Thank you so much, i appreciate your help

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yw! Hope it helps!

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you can also bake. ssgi is amazing but still has cross platform issues, it isn’t stable yet.

here’s how a baked kittchen would look like

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You can achieve realism in threejs, checkout interior design project, the strategy involves optimizing both threejs postprocessing and the gltf assets to reduce draw calls so you get both realism and speed.

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