Looking for some (paid) advice: loading split up glb? files

sorry for that :smiling_face_with_tear:

Yes sure we can have chat. I think we could define the test like this:

Afaik is your chair chairtopDraco.glb and this rotating animation is probably included in the glb file or not?

So our test could be a scene only with this chair, we cut it into 2 pieces and separate the animation to separate file.

The idea is then to load these 3 files.
in the javascript you combine the two files with meshes/polys into one object and then apply the animation to the chair object.

Me too, I really like this technology. So nice to see what all is possible in browser nowadays.


Check the first response here Attach additional Mesh to a Model with existing Animations?

The question is a little unclear, but I have more questions, You want to create something similar to a ā€œavatar builderā€ ?
Do all avatars have the same body, are there multiple bodies, or is there just one body whose texture can be multiple outfits? because you can create one avatar with multiple heads and show the head you want programatically, Is your main concern the network and the size of the data users need to download? Do you have many animations cuz When we talk about animations, weā€™re often referring to amateurs (I learned this the hard way). If you can share your vision for the final product, I might be able to offer a solution.

yes with this react it looks a easier :slight_smile:

I donā€™t want to create a builder, but I would like to such functionality to load different elements at a later time, or even exchange a part for a new loaded one.
I am little worried that when splitting up the objects like this, maybe it shows and some hidden meshes stick to the fore ground.

I want all of these options available to me. :slight_smile: So that is why I would like to be able to load separate parts (at different times)

Yes just want to be efficient.

I am still developing my idea, I like to see proof of concept, see how it performs. My idea is that the more efficient I am the more I detail I can add. The whole idea about this is to be able to easily add more detail like animations.