Issues with RGBE loaader after upgrading from 0.127.0 -> 0.150.0 (DataType issue)

So I did this upgrade and been squashing a tonne of issues that came about because of it and I’m mostly in a very stable place with the upgrade. However I am getting a very specific issue with our RGBE Loader

So previously it was like this:

  new THREE.RGBELoader()
    .load(hdrPath, (texture) => {

      let environmentMap = pmremGenerator.fromEquirectangular(texture).texture

    }, undefined, (err) => {

      reject('Error loading HDR environment map')


now it is like this

  const RGBELoader = (await import(urls.getURL('RGBELoader'))).RGBELoader

  new RGBELoader()
    .load(hdrPath, (texture) => {

      let environmentMap = pmremGenerator.fromEquirectangular(texture).texture

    }, undefined, (err) => {

      reject('Error loading HDR environment map')


The geturl simply returns the link to the cdn version of threejs RGBELoader add on. that works fine.

The issue comes when we have a shiny metallic object. 1 particular one to be specific. It does not act reflective no matter what environment I use.

I’m sure the issue has to do with the datatype from .setDataType(THREE.UnsignedByteType) to .setDataType(THREE.HalfFloatType) but I dont get any errors that confirm this (it doesnt throw any errors at all).

I have tried both FloatType and HalfFloatType and not setting the datatype at all. am I missing something here? I did previously do some research to figure out the change of datatypes and I have looked at your changelog that referencers this but I am still not sure why I am getting this issue. Im free to clarify anything you would like.