It’s a long time I’m not using Three.js so this is a… hmmm a simple question.
I’m using vue3 and troisjs to import a fbx. I used a template to have the demo samba dancing and it works. Now I imported my own .fbx (a bottle with no animations), but I’m not able to see it on the scene.
when the import (loading) is completed it calls this method:
onLoad(object) {
// this.mixer = new AnimationMixer(object);
// const action = this.mixer.clipAction(object.animations[0]);
object.traverse(function (child) {
if (child.isMesh) {
child.castShadow = true;
child.receiveShadow = true;
// this.clock = new Clock();
// this.$refs.renderer.onBeforeRender(this.updateMixer);
Note: the commented lines are about the Samba demo.
The full code on vue:
<Renderer ref="renderer" antialias :orbit-ctrl="{ enableDamping: true, target }" resize shadow>
<Camera :position="{ x: 100, y: 200, z: 300 }" />
<Scene ref="scene" background="#a0a0a0">
<HemisphereLight />
:position="{ x: 0, y: 200, z: 100 }"
cast-shadow :shadow-camera="{ top: 180, bottom: -120, left: -120, right: 120 }"
<Plane :width="2000" :height="2000" :rotation="{ x: -Math.PI / 2 }" receive-shadow>
<PhongMaterial color="#e5b80b" :props="{ depthWrite: true }" />
<FbxModel src="/models/3D bottle R1.fbx" @load="onLoad" />
I see the background grid, I can zoom/rotate/move but no object is in. The console.log shows 4 children ( mesh)
What I’m missing?