Hello there,
I want to zoom into the particular point I have added an example below so, if you guys have any ideas, please share it here so I can use. thanks!
Hello there,
I want to zoom into the particular point I have added an example below so, if you guys have any ideas, please share it here so I can use. thanks!
I think you can use shaders for this. A very old example, which surely doesn’t work under new three.js anymore, I found somewhere and modified it. It is in German, but can be easily translated with DeepL Translate – Der präziseste Übersetzer der Welt.
Thanks! @hofk, but it’s not worked for me like I want a totally clear visualization and it does not look proper. so if you have anything else it helps thanks!!!
One rendering with default zoom. Second rendering to texture with camera.zoom, custom shader for circle or circle mesh with zoomed texture.
Hey @Chaser_Code yes, but how we can add this? if you have a code snippet, please share it with me thanks!
Hello @Chaser_Code, We have already tried to implement magnify-3D but it’s now deprecated so we can’t use it if you have anything else please share with us it helps.
What does mean deprecated?