How to use camera lens animation in GLB with Three.js?

As shown in the above example, I have a GLB file that contains a PerspectiveCamera and its lens animations. I loaded them into the scene and ran them:

loader.load("./_demo/Cmaera_T.glb", function (gltf) {
  const PerspectiveCamera = gltf.scene.children[0];
  console.log("Mesh", gltf);
  // scene.add(mesh);
  const clip = THREE.AnimationClip.findByName(
    "All Animations"
  console.log("clip", clip);
  mixerRef.current = new THREE.AnimationMixer(cameraRef.current);
  // mixerRef.current
  //   .clipAction(gltf.animations[0])
  //   .setDuration(1)
  //   .play();
  const action = mixerRef.current.clipAction(clip);;

But there is one problem, which is that the camera is facing the wrong direction during the movement. I am confused if my code was written incorrectly. Please help me take a look and give me some help. Thank you!