How to rotate the playerdirection at the start of the game

in the fps example three.js examples , i want to make the player to face the otherway , rotation of 180 degrees the initial startposition in the game. i dont exactly understand where the original rotation of the player is set in the game. the position is set in line 110
const playerCollider = new Capsule( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0.35, 0 ), new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), 0.35 );

		const playerVelocity = new THREE.Vector3();
		const playerDirection = new THREE.Vector3();

i think it is the playerdirection vector that has to be changed

In this example, the camera follows the player. If you rotate, if you rotate the player, you’ll also need to rotate the camera the same amount.

In this example, when the player is teleported the camera rotation is reset, so this will need changing too.

Hope this helps

yes ok i had to add an extra rotation after the creation of the camera.
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 70, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 );
camera.rotation.set( - 3.14, 0, -3.14 );
camera.rotation.order = ‘YXZ’;

but it was confusing as the position of the pkayer is set in a different place in the script .
line 124://const playerCollider = new Capsule( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0.35, 0 ), new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), 0.35 );
line 125: const playerCollider = new Capsule( new THREE.Vector3( 10, 0.35, 0 ), new THREE.Vector3( 10, 1, 0 ), 0.35 );