I want to detect, seen from camera´s position if 1 pin (an object3D) is in front or behind of a sphere.
Is there any good approach doing so?
I want to detect, seen from camera´s position if 1 pin (an object3D) is in front or behind of a sphere.
Is there any good approach doing so?
I am not sure I understand exactly what you mean.
As a start, you can use THREE.Raycaster to cast a ray from the camera towards a single point on the object in question, and see if the ray intersects the sphere, and whether this is before or after it intersects the other object.
You can compare dot products of vectors [camera-sphere] and [camera-pin]. If [camera-pin] is greater than [camera-sphere] and the angle between these vectors is less than asin(sphereRadius / [camera-sphere].length())
, then the pin is behind the sphere:
var v3CamSphere = new THREE.Vector3();
var v3CamPin = new THREE.Vector3();
// and then in the animation loop
v3CamSphere.subVectors(sphere.position, camera.position);
v3CamPin.subVectors(pin.position, camera.position);
if (
v3CamPin.dot(v3CamSphere) > v3CamSphere.dot(v3CamSphere) &&
v3CamSphere.angleTo(v3CamPin) <
Math.asin(sphere.geometry.parameters.radius / v3CamSphere.length())
) {
} else {
The solution is from the scratch