Ehm. It appears as this:
And the materials are that:
const sprites = [
[“mesh1Material”, { “”: “dirt_greeded.png” }, “#fcf”],
1: “mario right 1.png”,
2: “mario right 2.png”,
3: “mario left 1.png”,
4: “mario left 2.png”,
5: “mario jump right.png”,
6: “mario jump left.png”,
Top: “grass.png”,
Top2: “grass2.png”,
Side: “grass_dirt.png”,
Bottom: “dirt.png”,
Bottom: “block.png”,
1: “waterfall-1.png”,
2: “waterfall-2.png”,
3: “waterfall-3.png”,
1: “pipe top.png”,
2: “pipe center.png”,
3: “pipe bottom.png”,
“”: “purple coin.png”,
2: “purple coin 2.png”,
3: “purple coin 3.png”,
4: “purple coin 4.png”,
Top: “melon up.png”,
Side: “melon side.png”,
[“melonSliceMaterial”, { “”: “melon_slice.png” }, “#fc0”],
[“bushMaterial”, { “”: “bush.png” }, “#cfc”],
[“treeMaterial”, { “”: “tree.png” }, “#cfc”],
[“bgHillMaterial”, { Top: “hill.png”, Top2: “hill2.png” }, “#040”],
What i should do? (Thanks your effort anyway) 
Youn should have my rar, use my textures, and put it into your xampp folder: (6.3 MB)
Xampp is a programm for run html files. You can download it here:
So, youre the second person which can improve my long code (Only if u want), so, just first download Xampp and then quit all files in htdocs, then put my .zip file and then extract to htdocs folder, open localhost and there is my example, working at 100%, but with that bug.