How to make camera adapt to different screen size. (responsive camera)

Thank you, this is quite useful. But it did not solve my issue.

my plane geometry aspect ratio is still effected by screen size. i guess i misused word “responsive”, what i need is to prevent the image from distorted. Ideally this item should be “responsive” and yet undistorted, otherwise this image won’t look good on mobile device.

I assume there are a couple of ways, maybe use OrthographicCamera, or maybe update the aspect ratio on window resize. but none of them really worked

export function Items() {
  const ref = useRef()

  const texture = useLoader(TextureLoader, '')

  // Load the image using THREE.TextureLoader
  const aspect = texture.image.width / texture.image.height
  let scaleX = 1
  let scaleY = 1
    const desiredAspect = 600 / 400

  if (aspect > desiredAspect) {
    // Texture is wider than the desired aspect ratio
    scaleY = (1 / aspect) * desiredAspect
  } else {
    // Texture is taller than or equal to the desired aspect ratio
    scaleX = aspect / desiredAspect
  return (
    <group scale={[scaleX, scaleY, 1]}>
      <mesh ref={ref}>
        <planeGeometry />
        <meshBasicMaterial map={texture} side={DoubleSide} />
const CustomOrthographicCamera= (props) => {
  const frustumSize = 5

  const camera = useRef()
  const { size } = useThree()

  useEffect(() => {
    const aspect = size.height / size.width
    camera.current.left = -frustumSize / 2
    camera.current.right = frustumSize / 2 = (frustumSize * aspect) / 2
    camera.current.bottom = (-frustumSize * aspect) / 2
  }, [size, frustumSize])

  return <OrthographicCamera ref={camera} {...props} />

i also tried

            position={[0, 0, -4]}
            aspect={size.width / size.height}
            onUpdate={(c) => c.updateProjectionMatrix()}

Did i miss anything?

note: i found a similar issue here: Resize canvas with different aspect ratio - #7 by HasanTheSyrian
his method is update the camera aspect ratio onresize