Thank you, this is quite useful. But it did not solve my issue.
my plane geometry aspect ratio is still effected by screen size. i guess i misused word “responsive”, what i need is to prevent the image from distorted. Ideally this item should be “responsive” and yet undistorted, otherwise this image won’t look good on mobile device.
I assume there are a couple of ways, maybe use OrthographicCamera, or maybe update the aspect ratio on window resize. but none of them really worked
export function Items() {
const ref = useRef()
const texture = useLoader(TextureLoader, '')
// Load the image using THREE.TextureLoader
const aspect = texture.image.width / texture.image.height
let scaleX = 1
let scaleY = 1
const desiredAspect = 600 / 400
if (aspect > desiredAspect) {
// Texture is wider than the desired aspect ratio
scaleY = (1 / aspect) * desiredAspect
} else {
// Texture is taller than or equal to the desired aspect ratio
scaleX = aspect / desiredAspect
return (
<group scale={[scaleX, scaleY, 1]}>
<mesh ref={ref}>
<planeGeometry />
<meshBasicMaterial map={texture} side={DoubleSide} />
const CustomOrthographicCamera= (props) => {
const frustumSize = 5
const camera = useRef()
const { size } = useThree()
useEffect(() => {
const aspect = size.height / size.width
camera.current.left = -frustumSize / 2
camera.current.right = frustumSize / 2 = (frustumSize * aspect) / 2
camera.current.bottom = (-frustumSize * aspect) / 2
}, [size, frustumSize])
return <OrthographicCamera ref={camera} {...props} />
i also tried
position={[0, 0, -4]}
aspect={size.width / size.height}
onUpdate={(c) => c.updateProjectionMatrix()}
Did i miss anything?
note: i found a similar issue here: Resize canvas with different aspect ratio - #7 by HasanTheSyrian
his method is update the camera aspect ratio onresize