Hello there,
I have a gltf model and receive animation data from a server for that model. I periodically receive frames from the server. Each frame consists of morph Targets and bone transforms. My goal is to animate the gltf model dynamically as I receive the frames.
My biggest constraint will always be the latency to my server, but I am still wondering about the best ways to approach this problem.
My first approach was to receive a frame, apply the transforms and then call renderer.render(scene, camera), however the animation is not very smooth.
A better approach was using a render loop like so:
const clock = new THREE.Clock()
let previousTime = 0
const tick = () =>
const elapsedTime = clock.getElapsedTime()
const deltaTime = elapsedTime - previousTime
previousTime = elapsedTime
// Update controls
// Render
let start = performance.now()
renderer.render(scene, camera)
let end = performance.now()
The animation is smooth in this way, but still it is not frame rate independent for different devices , as I am unsure of how I should use the deltaTime I calculate above. Usually I would multiply any movement (i.e. rotation, change in position) by this deltaTime in the render loop directly, but it is not clear to me how I can combine the animation loop with the constraint of receiving the frames from a server (I don’t know when I will receive the next frame)
The code below is triggered by the EventListener each time I receive a frame. How can I use deltaTime here when it is only calculated in my render loop? Does a render loop make sense when I am receiving the frames from the server like this?
ws.addEventListener("message", AnimationData => {
let {blendshapes, transformations, time} = parseRenderFrame(AnimationData);
//Set the morph Targets
animateMorphTargets(model, blendshapes)
//Animate skeleton
let bones = skeleton.bones;
animateSkeleton(model, transformations, bones);