How to ignore the transparent part of sprite by Ray pickup?
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This was not an answer to the question. It links to another question that was also not answered.
In order to ignore the transparent part, look at the object material map image and see if the ray was cast through a transparent part of the image
// For every intersected object returned by the raycaster
let closestIntersect
for ( const intersect of intersectObjects ) {
const { object } = intersect
// If the mesh type is sprite
if ( object.type === `Sprite` ) {
// Get the image from the intersect object mesh
const { image } =
// 2D ratio of where the mouse is on the image
const { uv : { x : UX, y : UY } } = intersect
// The actual w, h of the image
const { width : OW, height : OH, src } = image
// Get the image data,
const imageData = getImageData( image )
// the X & Y of the image
const x = Math.round( UX * OW )
const y = OH - Math.round( UY * OH ) // reverse because threejs
// the index of image data y is every row of pixels, x is on a row of pixels
const I = ( x + y * OW ) * 4
// the fourth (3) of every 4 numbers is the alpha value
const A =[ I + 3 ]
// if A is 0 then it's transparent
if ( A === 0 ) { continue }
closestIntersect = intersect; break
function getImageData ( image ) {
const canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' )
const context = canvas.getContext( `2d` )
let { naturalWidth: w, naturalHeight: h } = image
canvas.width = w
canvas.height = h
context.drawImage( image, 0, 0, w, h )
const imageData = context.getFullImageData()
return imageData