The standard way to do this in TSL isn’t to “return early” like you describe, but rather to conditionally assign a local variable, and then return that variable. You can turn a node into an “assignable” local variable in the shader by calling node.toVar()
const colorNode = Fn(() => {
const returnVal = vec3().toVar();
If(active.not(), () => {
returnVal.assign(texture(texture, uv()));
}).Else(() => {
// I'm assuming "finalColor" comes
// from some other scope
return returnVal;
You can see this pattern repeated all over in the three.js library.
For example, in ParallaxBarrierPassNode
(check out the parallaxBarrier
class ParallaxBarrierPassNode extends StereoCompositePassNode {
static get type() {
return 'ParallaxBarrierPassNode';
constructor(scene, camera) {
super(scene, camera);
this.isParallaxBarrierPassNode = true;
setup(builder) {
const uvNode = uv();
const parallaxBarrier = Fn(() => {
const color = vec4().toVar();
If(mod(screenCoordinate.y, 2).greaterThan(1), () => {
}).Else(() => {
return color;
const material = this._material || (this._material = new NodeMaterial());
material.fragmentNode = parallaxBarrier().context(builder.getSharedContext());
material.needsUpdate = true;
return super.setup(builder);