im creating 3d editor by using css3drenderer and webglrenderer on top of it.
For moving object with mouse, im using dragcontrols.
It works fine when the scene 90 degree(in this case x and y is parallel axis),
3dobjects are moving only in x and y axis using dragcontrols.
but if we rotate the scene to 30 degree(in this case x and z is parallel axis)
still 3dobjects are moving in x and y.but i want to move only in x and z axis.
so i set position.y=0 on drag event of dragcontrols.it works somewhat but not efficiently,
3d objects lags much behind from mouse pointer when we try to move objects to the top of scene(i.e towards (-)z axis) same when we move towars (+) z-axis
so whatever the rotation of the scene,
i want 3d objects to be moved only parallel to the scene efficiently
Any help would be appreciated.