How to Create a 3D Animation Neural Network Using Three.js

I want to create a 3D neural network like the one shown in the image. I tried using AI, but it didn’t work. I’m new to Three.js and don’t know how to code it.

You can find the 3D neural network example here. How can I create it?

Sometimes, it’s good to check the official examples: three.js examples . What if there’s something similar to what you need :slight_smile:

You can do things even with canvas’ 2d-context:


oh thanks for sharing the example :upside_down_face:

hi, I’ve been trying to create something similar to DeepMind’s neural network using AI, but it didn’t work (it looks awful). I’m a noob in threejs, so if you could help me with the code, it would mean a lot. I can learn Three.js on my own, but it will take time, and over the past week, I’ve been trying to combine AI with it without much progress. Could you please help me out?

someone from discord helped me and suggested using particles.js. It’s really good!

thank you <3

Before you start compiling levels upon levels of complexity (including AI and particle systems), I’d suggest you go through the extensive collection of working examples and develop some basic understanding of 3D concepts.

Jumping straight to AI is not going to save you from the actual self-learning part, IMO.

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