I’ve also asked this question on Stack Overflow.
I’m trying to get to a tight inferred mesh from @react-three/rapier’s <RigidBody>
on an extruded SVG geometry, much like the hull
example in this CodeSandbox from their docs. However, so far, the best inferred shape I’ve got is a cuboid, and it also outpositions the collider.
When I try to apply a hull
on it, here’s the error I get:
Unhandled Runtime Error
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'array')
Since this is a mesh of meshes, I think it gets lost? I don’t know. Maybe I need something like an <InstancedMesh>
? I have no idea. Sorry, I’m new to this physics thing.
Anyways, here’s a CodeSandbox based on that other one with the extruded SVG.
And, for reference, here’s the extruded SVG code:
import { useMemo } from "react";
import * as THREE from "three";
import { SVGLoader } from "three/examples/jsm/Addons.js";
import { useLoader } from "@react-three/fiber";
type ExtrudedSvgProps = {
filename: string;
scale?: number;
position?: [number, number, number];
export default function ExtrudedSvg({
scale = 1,
position = [-10, 10, 0],
}: ExtrudedSvgProps) {
const svgData = useLoader(SVGLoader, filename);
const shapes = useMemo(() => {
return svgData.paths.map((p) => p.toShapes(true));
}, [svgData]);
return (
rotation={[Math.PI, 0, 0]}
position={[position[0] + 5, position[1] - 2, position[2] + 2]}
{shapes.map((s, i) => (
<mesh key={i} position={[0, 0, 0]}>
depth: 5,
bevelEnabled: false,
steps: 30,
And here’s how I’m using it:
<RigidBody colliders="cuboid" position={[-5, 20, 0]}>
position={[-5, 10, 0]}