Example: Nuxt - Starter (forked) - StackBlitz
The example above allows to load pointclouds. The unloading of a pointcloud (before a new one is loaded) is done in the deletePlyModel
const deletePlyModel = () => {
// If no model is currently loaded, do nothing
if (!currentPlyModel) return;
// Find the point cloud object in the scene
const pointCloud = scene.getObjectByName(currentPlyModel);
// If the point cloud object is found, dispose and remove it
if (pointCloud) {
// Clear the currentPlyModel reference
currentPlyModel = null;
render(); // Update the scene
I would like to add some fadeOut animation, before the model is completely disposed of, but so far i was not successful. First I tried:
const deletePlyModel = () => {
const timeline = gsap.timeline();
timeline.to(pointCloud.material, {
opacity: 0,
duration: 1
Then Gemini.at proposed some ideas, the last one being
function hexToNormalizedRgb(hex) {
const r = (hex >> 16) & 0xFF;
const g = (hex >> 8) & 0xFF;
const b = hex & 0xFF;
return [r / 255, g / 255, b / 255];
const deletePlyModel = () => {
// [..]
if (pointCloud) {
const timeline = gsap.timeline();
const normalizedFadeColor = hexToNormalizedRgb(0xffffff);
pointCloud.geometry.attributes.color.array.forEach((color, i) => {
// Access the color components directly
const colorElement = pointCloud.geometry.attributes.color.array[i];
timeline.to(colorElement, {
x: normalizedFadeColor[0],
y: normalizedFadeColor[1],
z: normalizedFadeColor[2],
duration: 1,
delay: i / pointCloud.geometry.attributes.color.count * 0.5
But that result in this error: GSAP target 0 not found
What is the proper way to access the points of a PointCloud in order to animate them (efficiently)?