How to adjust colormap when using uniforms in Data3DTexture

Hi Guys, I am doing something like three.js examples, I tried to use different colormap to display some dynamic animation. so I just change the colormap picture from gray to mix:
the gray colormap:
the mixed:

When I try to change the colormap I find that the translucency effect seems to be lost:


When I placed the “spine” in the front, the green bracket part at the back was too obvious, making the whole picture lose its sense of hierarchy. Should I adjust my colormap or do something else?

You might need alpha in your colormap also?

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Hi manthrax. I read the picture with python, only find three channel…

Ahh good catch.

Ooof ok I looked at the actual shader: three.js/examples/jsm/shaders/VolumeShader.js at 2ff77e4b335e31c108aac839a07401664998c730 · mrdoob/three.js · GitHub
And it’s more complicated than I thought. The transparency is always .5, and just the color is selected by density. so you might have to hack/modify the shaders “apply_colormap” function:

		vec4 apply_colormap(float val) {
				val = (val - u_clim[0]) / (u_clim[1] - u_clim[0]);
				return texture2D(u_cmdata, vec2(val, 0.5));

so make a local copy of that shader and experiment with changing apply_colormap?

I just copy the ‘fragmentShader.js’ and modify the code:
and I replace the colormap to origin gray, it still looks wird…

				vec4 apply_colormap(float val) {
						val = (val - u_clim[0]) / (u_clim[1] - u_clim[0]);
						float trans = 0.5;
						if(val>0.5) {
							trans = 0.1;
						return texture2D(u_cmdata, vec2(val, trans));

this picture is what I am working on. it looks still have no sense of hierarchy

use two u_cmdata to solve this problem.

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Niice! good job.