I am using PointerLockControls and I would like to be able to disable the mouse lock when I am in the menu. I want the only way to lock the mouse is to press the button for that.
Similar to what is done here:
I tried to make the following code, where “ready” is true only when we press a button. Which seems to work. However, it can lock even when ready is false. I tough .connect()/.disconnect() would allow to deactivate the lock.
I also tried to have a div in front of the whole canvas in order to avoid clicking the canvas, which theoretically should work as well. But I can’t find a way to avoid the click to go through the div.
function PointerLocks({ ready, setReady }) {
const controls = useRef()
useEffect(() => {
if (ready) {
}, [ready])
const onUnlockHandle = useCallback(() => {
return <PointerLockControls ref={controls} maxPolarAngle={Math.PI - 0.0001} minPolarAngle={0.0001} onUnlock={onUnlockHandle} />