thank for answer . First i ve searched groups property …didn’t find cause i was again with R124
, so i switch to R128 and indeed i found groups .
i ve developed different property see result : ( for boxgeometry(2,4,6) )
;start : 0
;count : 6
;materialIndex : 0
;start : 6
;count : 6
;materialIndex : 1
;start : 12
;count : 6
;materialIndex : 2
;start : 18
;count : 6
;materialIndex : 3
;start : 24
;count : 6
;materialIndex : 4
;start : 30
;count : 6
;materialIndex : 5
;start : 30
;count : 6
;materialIndex : 5
we can see materialIndex go until 5 cause 6 Materials and count go until 36 cause 12 triangles ( 6 faces *2 triangles in cube) * 3 vertex
so now Index property :
;name :
;array : 0,2,1,2,3,1,4,6,5,6,7,5,8,10,9,10,11,9,12,14,13,14,15,13,16,18,17,18,19,17,20,22,21,22,23,21
;itemSize : 1
;count : 36
;normalized : false
;usage : 35044
;updateRange : [object Object]
;version : 0
;onUploadCallback : function () {}
;isBufferAttribute : true
i see length 36 ,so it is the start /count in groups , and value is a set between 0 and 23
searching about it and found property attributes.position .
;name :
;array : 1,2,3,1,2,-3,1,-2,3,1,-2,-3,-1,2,-3,-1,2,3,-1,-2,-3,-1,-2,3,-1,2,-3,1,2,-3,-1,2,3,1,2,3,-1,-2,3,1,-2,3,-1,-2,-3,1,-2,-3,-1,2,3,1,2,3,-1,-2,3,1,-2,3,1,2,-3,-1,2,-3,1,-2,-3,-1,-2,-3
;itemSize : 3
;count : 24
so 24 vertex * 3 coord = 72 for the lengh but i dont undertand why 24 ?
edit: so i ve got after counting and identified vertex : 8 vertex * 3 times in the array
Edit2 : i ve compared with R214 , before it was vertices property = 8 objects and faces property = 12 objects so it was more logics . why this change in R128 to store 3 times the 8 vertices ?