I found this video, I believe they use threejs? I saw this video where the guy is using the software on the web.
And I looked into this video and saw their features:
I was wondering if this is possible to use Via ThreeJS? or if any of the featurures require C++ or any other languages, with web assembly or something
For example,
there is a feature where they create a basic house, and then they can split the house into unique rooms. So when they create a room, they can select it and see the information.
Measurement snapping
Changing What the rooms look like via inputs, like turning room into a garage
how elevation plans work (what the house looks like visually from the front)
floor plans with measurements, house the floor plans are created
Does anyone know any of these features are possible? and if so, how?
I had a pretty lousy experience interviewing there once. I know some top shelf engineers that had a bad experience working there.
Oh, the way they did it, they have really good graphics engineers (super talended, phds and such) and lots of computational geometry engineers. It’s a startup that raised millions, they can hire talent.
yeah, this is pretty much a variant of what @mjurczyk and I worked on for moddy.io
the house will be defined by points the user sets, then extruded upwards
each room is essentially a data structure, so house[0] has room [0], room[1] and so on, raycast to set the selection and display properties
measurement snapping is just “moving something” but then divided by a world-scale, so instead of 1:1 mouse movement, we basically make the mouse “skip” by scale
the view of the house from the front, or direct top, would be a orthographic camera, the 3d view of the house is perspective
floor plans with autmatic measurements are generated by points, so the user defines say a rectangle for the house, you have 4 points, and can perform mathematic operations to send lines between this points, a line can have a label in the middle
May I ask how do you plan to proceed from here? JavaScript and C++ are two fairly different beasts, are you good as both of them? If not, then it would probably make sense to start with the one you’re better off?
Do you plan to hire people, based on the feedback you would get here?
Why only C++, why not rust for example, I found it much easier to work with in the context of WASM.
I’m considering whether using C++ would be beneficial for developing features similar to the ones shown in the video I posted in the original thread. Specifically, I want to know if developing such an application using only Three.js and JavaScript would be a waste of time and resources. In the future, would I regret not using C++ for certain features?
I’m trying to understand where C++ might be useful in this type of application. I’m more experienced with Three.js and JavaScript, and I don’t believe I could create a CAD application solely with C++. While I do have some experience with C++, I’m not well-versed in computational geometry or WebAssembly.
So, I’m wondering if it’s worth learning WebAssembly or another language that can be compiled to WebAssembly for performance improvements. If so, what specific features would require the use of WebAssembly, and why would I need it?