Hi there!
I have a very newbie question, I need help
I have an line obj with this info
# 4 vertex positions and colors
v 322793.94 360 -6869563.5 1 0 0
v 322767.34 360 -6869579.5 1 0 0
v 322797.69 360 -6869630.5 1 0 0
v 322823.44 360 -6869614 1 0 0
When I load into a scene and ask for the geometry this is what I get:
geometry->attributes->position->array: Float32Array(18)
0: -1.453125
1: 0
2: 33.5
3: -28.046875
17: 33.5
I want to load and see the geometry in the position that the obj has. It can be possible? The thing is that I have others objs in the same coords and I need to add them to the scene too.
Without the geometry.center(); I can’t see it, I think because I don’t understand the graphics concepts involved (If you have a site or book to get those concepts it woul be great).
This is the code to load the line.
loader.load( "models/A.obj",
function (data) {
data.traverse(function (child) {
if ((<THREE.LineSegments>child).isLineSegments) {
let meshOBJ: THREE.LineSegments = <THREE.LineSegments>child;
let geometry = meshOBJ.geometry.clone();
var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
color: 0xff0000,
linewidth: 2,
let mesh: THREE.Line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);
Thanks in advance!
Inside children->parent->geometry->attributes->position->array
is located the coordinates information from the obj file I mentioned before. This way I can extract the geometry and add it to the scene (Make a mesh or line), move cameras and stuff.
Still I don’t have all clear conceptually speaking, so any help will be very usefull