Help Needed: Creating an Animated Energy Stroke Circle Effect in Three.js (Similar to Siri)

Hi guys!

I’m wondering if someone can help me with a tutorial or advice on how to create a circle effect in Three.js, similar to the Siri effect. I would like to have a circle shape with an animated stroke (similar to an energy effect). I tried to find examples but haven’t had any luck!


Sorry for the low-quality image I attached.

Any advice would be appreciated!

Thanks and kind reards,

I think you should go in that direction:

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Also, not direeeectly related, but saw recently on blue bird app - you can do similar things with SVG filters, since they are a bit easier to work with in 2D than three.js.

@akella is your man to look for… this tutorial has a really great starting point to work from that is along the lines of what you need… it’d also give you a great insight into the process that goes into building complex performant effects…

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2d-context may be an option somehow


Thanks guys for all suggestions!
I found the first useful as start!