Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module ‘…/build/OrbitControls.js’ does not provide an export named ‘default’
Am trying to get Three installed to run something, its so close. Hours have been stuck on this one part.
I looked for directions and downloaded the code, put the 3 Three files into a .js folder, then it got errors on the Orbit references. Searched and tried many examples. Its stuck on Orbit and will not get past it.
I have the code as a Module in an asp.net 4.7 MVC (older one) and just dont know where its broken. Can make a new project or even try core perhaps, but it should run in the old mvc?
Here is the project Im trying to run: https://mdbootstrap.com/snippets/jquery/ascensus/390634#js-tab-view
i had to add the < m odule> and then add import statements (added spaces here). Orbit seems to need the Three object in a folder called build? so i put everything there and that error went away. But its stuck on the above error, seems like the Orbit version isnt compatible.
Any suggestions or ideas are greatly appreciated
// import * as THREE from “…/…/Scripts/three.js”;
import THREE from “…/build/three.js”;
import OrbitControls from "../build/OrbitControls.js";
const NUM_INSTANCES = 6000;
const ARROW_FORWARD = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
const UP = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0);
const v3 = new THREE.Vector3();