Guide on octree traversal for LOD

I am building an octree LOD for point cloud data visualization. I have octree and every time a camera is moved, I traverse a tree to find nodes and levels ( with throttle; I mean it checks with the throttle of 3 seconds).

Right now tree traversal code is:

function traverseTree(root, center_x, center_y, center_z, width) {
        let [level, x, y, z] = root;
        let newLevel = level + 1;
        let key = level + "-" + x + "-" + y + "-" + z;
        let distance = Math.sqrt(
          Math.pow(Math.abs(cameraPosition[0] - center_x), 2) +
            Math.pow(Math.abs(cameraPosition[1] - center_y), 2) +
            Math.pow(Math.abs(cameraPosition[2] - center_z), 2)
        if (distance > 5) {
          return [];
        // let cameraPosition = controls.object.position;
        // let myDistanceFromCamera = cameraPosition.distanceTo(
        //   new THREE.Vector3(center_x, center_y, center_z)
        // );
        let x_left = center_x - width[0] / 2;
        let x_right = center_x + width[0] / 2;
        let y_top = center_y + width[1] / 2;
        let y_bottom = center_y - width[1] / 2;
        let z_near = center_z - width[2] / 2;
        let z_far = center_z + width[2] / 2;
        let result = [key, nodePages[key].pointCount];
        direction.forEach((element, index) => {
          let [dx, dy, dz] = element;
          let key = `${newLevel}-${2 * x + dx}-${2 * y + dy}-${2 * z + dz}`;
          if (!(key in nodePages && nodePages[key].pointCount > 0)) {
            return [];
          center_x = x_left;
          center_y = y_bottom;
          center_z = z_far;
          if (dx == 1) {
            center_x = x_right;
          if (dy == 1) {
            center_y = y_top;
          if (dz == 1) {
            center_z = z_near;
          let result1 = traverseTree(
            [newLevel, 2 * x + dx, 2 * y + dy, 2 * z + dz],
            [width[0] / 2, width[1] / 2, width[2] / 2]
        return result;

each node of the tree is labeled as

level_of_tree + "-" + x + "-" + y + "-" + z

and the tree is stored in a javascript object which I believe both of this information is not useful here.

For a point cloud data covering the width of width_x, width_y, width_z, and camera with the position of vec3 (x, y, z) what is my threshold value to check if the tree traversal should go deeper or not?

Right now I am just giving the random value of 5 which is causing an issue because in some places it is traversing so deep causing the system very slow and crash something.

I want to make it more like how it is supposed to be.

Any help, please