is it possible to get the progress value from gsap scrollTrigger and use it on a animationMixer to guide the timeline of the animation?
all the animations are loaded from a gltf along with the meshes. all animations are in the same mixer action = mixer.clipAction( gltf.animations[ 0 ] );
is it possible to use the 0-1 value from self.progress in scrollTrigger and map it to the animation?
I just used the progress value from the scrollTrigger and multiplied it with the animation length and that was my new current animation time. So on scrollTrigger update your current animation time = scrolltrigger progress * animation length. I’m not near my computer so I can’t post my code, sorry. Maybe later I’ll try and do it
It goes something like this. I think you can use just the scrollTrigger. And I deleted some code to make it a bit more clear. Just the onUpdate thing is important for what you’re asking. Sorry for the long wait, I was on holiday
mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer( gltf.scene );
action = mixer.clipAction( gltf.animations[0] );
clip = action.getClip();
// mixed, action and clip I just get directly from the gltf loader
let debug = {a:0}
function createAnimation(mixer, action, clip) {, {
scrollTrigger: {
trigger: '.smooth-wrap',
start: 'top top',
end: 'bottom bottom',
scrub: 1,
onUpdate : (self) => {
let currentTime = clip.duration * self.progress