Hi folks. I am new to the forums.
I do not believe this is a bug, but just something weird that I am trying to do. I have a human avatar model, that we normally use in Secondlife and OpenSim. I export it as GLTF, and the loader throws the error pasted below. I am suspecting that it is because it is “Bento” and has extra bones such as individual finger digits, wings, tail, etc. I am wondering if I am missing a dependency, or if I will need to define those bones in the loader somewhere? Or has anyone else run across this?
Thanks, and if anyone can point me in the right direction where to look, I’d appreciate it.
> TypeError: Cannot read property 'isBone' of undefined
> at GLTFLoader.js:2925
> at GLTFParser.THREE.GLTFLoader.GLTFParser.loadNode (GLTFLoader.js:2995)
> at GLTFParser.THREE.GLTFLoader.GLTFParser.getDependency (GLTFLoader.js:1734)
> at GLTFParser.THREE.GLTFLoader.GLTFParser.loadAnimation (GLTFLoader.js:2778)
> at GLTFParser.THREE.GLTFLoader.GLTFParser.getDependency (GLTFLoader.js:1766)
> at GLTFLoader.js:1806
> at Array.map (<anonymous>)
> at GLTFParser.THREE.GLTFLoader.GLTFParser.getDependencies (GLTFLoader.js:1804)
> at GLTFParser.THREE.GLTFLoader.GLTFParser.parse (GLTFLoader.js:1628)
> at GLTFLoader.parse (GLTFLoader.js:221)