Hello, I’ve set the center of the FBX model on the model in 3DMAX. Why did you import into the three.js scene and change the center of the model? What’s the reason for this? What should I do to get the center point on the model?
August 11, 2017, 9:31am
Seems like you have the same problem I’ve spent the last while trying to fix.
See the discussion here for a possible solution
opened 02:45AM - 06 Aug 17 UTC
closed 03:30AM - 09 Oct 17 UTC
Simplified from #11697 since I've figured out the issue.
Here is a simple ani… mation i created in 3ds max:
You can see the pivot point of the red bar has been moved to one end, and it is animated to swing around the pivot.
Loading this in Clara.io:
The animation plays correctly, and the pivot point is displayed in the correct place.
Loading in Paint3D in windows - animations are not played, but the bar is in the correct place:
Finally, loading in three.js and I get this:
The loader has assumed that the pivot point is at the centre of the bar and moved it accordingly - the animation plays around this new pivot.
Here's the FBX file:
[simple joint.zip](https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/files/1202827/simple.joint.zip)
Also see this other thread
Copied from the Gitub issue to continue the discussion here:
I found a solution!
Tested with a very simple single jointed example.
It seems the GLTF2Loader does support transformed pivots. So the process goes like this:
Install the blender gltf2 exporter
Export the file as FBX from your preferred software.
Load the FBX file in blender (needs to be binary format 2015 or earlier)
Export as GLTF2 ( I used .glb binary format)
import in three.js and the results for this …