I’m developing a project and I’m doing it using three.js. In a simple code example, when I add the 3D car model file with .glb extension into my codes and run it, I get the error shown in the picture. My errors are as follows: “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () :7049/carmodel/mercedes_glb_amg.glb:1 “,” GLTFLoader.js:225 Error: fetch for “https://localhost:7049/ carmodel/mercedes_glb_amg.glb” responded with 404:
at three.module.js:43956:12”. The file path where I put the car model is correct, the file path of the libraries is correct. There are no errors in my codes, but I have been looking for these errors and I haven’t found a solution for weeks. Can you please help me?
Thanks in advance!
Projenin kaynak kodları aşağıdaki github linkinde.