Extruding Geometry Radially

ok, thanks but … no…

it’s not intentional mishap…
here’s the code…

objInput = scene.getObjectByName(objInput);
            console.log('objInput: ',objInput);

            const points = [];

                    let positions = objInput.geometry.attributes.position.array;
                    let ptCout = positions.length  / 3;
                    for (let i = 0; i < ptCout; i++)
                        let px = positions[i * 3];
                        let pxN = px * -1;
                        let py = positions[i * 3 + 1];
                        let pyN = py * -1;

                        points.push( new THREE.Vector2( pxN,pyN

                        ) );

                    console.log('positions: ',positions);

                console.log('points: ',points);

            const geometry = new THREE.LatheBufferGeometry(points,sidesInput);

            // below here is a bunch of testing for trying to seam the missing poly band
            const geoMergedVerts = THREE.BufferGeometryUtils.mergeVertices( geometry, 1 );

            const material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 0x9966ff, side: THREE.DoubleSide, });

            material.flatShading = false;
            material.smoothShading = true;

            lathe = new THREE.Mesh(geoMergedVerts, material);

            lathe.name = nameInput;

            lathe.scale.multiplyScalar( 0.25 );
            lathe.position.x = - 70;
            lathe.position.y = 70;
            // lathe.scale.y *= - 1;

            console.log('lathe: ',lathe);


and that’s happening on all the elements in the collection.