Export a scene to STEP format .stp


We choosed to se threejs in a project that let user add loaded 3d models into a scene and we manage position behind the scenes to construct some kind of a track etc…

The customer asks us to export the designed scene to STEP format as it is the standard format used by theire teams.

We didn’t find a way to do that at all on the documentation and opensource exporters, we already export as GLTF, OBJ, STL but not the wanted format STEP.

Could anyone help or give some guidance on how to do it ?

Thank you

Hey, I have some bad and good news for you. The bad news is that you can’t export triangulated Mesh geometry to a STEP file. Even if you could, it would be very inefficient as each triangle would become a face. In order to export your geometry to a STEP file you must use BREp geometry kernels to construct it. That requires some special CAD knowledge and it will not be straightforward.

Let’s get to some good news. I’ve recently announced the release of a new NPM package that exposes https://bitbybit.dev CAD algorithms to THREEJS community. Check this forum entry for more details:

One of geometry kernels that we use is called OpenCascade - it is capable of creating BREp type geometries and exporting them to STEP files. Depending on your actual use case, it may be something that would help you, but, as I said, it would still require you to re-model the geometry.

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