EditorControls not work well when camera is Z-UP

I adjust camera by code:

 this.cam.position.set(0, -80, 20);
        this.cam.up.set(0, 0, 1);
        this.cam.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0,));

EditorControls seems stranger, I cant discribe it clear.

when I move mouse X straight, the path which viewport rotate like Counterclockwise circle。
when I move mouse Y straight, the path which viewport rotate like Smile circle。

How EditorControls work well in Z-UP camera mode?

Unfortunately, EditorControls assumes Y-UP. You have to modify the controls to make it compatible with other up directions.

outside model Coordinate system is different from three‘s,
make me headache.

is there a best way to solve this?