Draco compression with Cesium and glTF Pipeline in WebGL

Hello everyone!

I was researching possibilities of implementing Draco compression into three.js GLTF files viewer and thought if it could be possible to do with Cesium glTF Pipeline implementation? I’ve only seen one compression example done by insimo in WebGL: Insimo viewer And his way of doing it is pretty complicated for me.

Also I have few questions about Draco compression quantization - If I understand correctly, if you compress data to lower number of bits, it should be compressed more, but in Draco github documentation it says:

“In general, the more you quantize your attributes the better compression rate you will get”

So maybe someone could explain me how more bits means higher compression?

Using glTF-Pipeline to create Draco-compressed glTF files is very common. However, glTF-Pipeline only runs in Node.js, not in a browser. It would take some work to create a version that runs in a browser, which the Insimo viewer has done (but in a custom way, which doesn’t produce valid glTF files).

“In general, the more you quantize your attributes the better compression rate you will get”

I think the implication here is that quantizing “more” means using fewer bits.
