Perhaps I am missing something, but I am finding it difficult to see what features have been added and when, just searching the changelog is extremely laborious.
In a production environment, it’s not practical to keep up to date with every release of three, and I wouldnt be surprised if a lot of real-world applications are behind by a considerable amount. Therefore can i suggest that the documents tag when things are added, but also include a section (perhaps a by defualt collapsed accordion) of the deprecated things too something like this.
The migration guide is what three.js provides for this purpose today. It’s focused on helping you identify breaking changes in each release, rather than identifying all new features. For that, there are also release notes.
I agree that tags in the documentation — particularly “deprecated” tags — would be helpful. We have no way to generate that information automatically today, it would require volunteers to keep this updated in the documentation pages for each language. A proposal for how to do that would be interesting.
Somehow automating it would be best, not sure whether swagger or similar could be utilized? Whilst the current docs are good I do think there are a few things missing like this which long term will just get harder and harder to manage. I also think that it can be a stumbling block for new users. Is there no scope for Three to get paid sponsors so things like this could be taken care of rather than relying on the kindness of volunteers?
Rebuilding the documentation is a large task, with or without tools like Swagger. Note that we maintain documentation in 9 languages. I’ve proposed ways to automate the documentation’s formatting more, see this thread. Some feature requests have bounties, which can motivate contributors to take on the work.