Different result between using metalness & metalnessMap

I have a question regarding MeshPhysicalMaterial´s metalness and metalnessMap parameters.

If I set roughness to 0.0 and don´t use a roughnessMap + use an all white metalnessMap, I expect the material to be very metalic, but it seems metalnessMap is not causing any effect at all.

If I set roughness to 0.0 and don´t use a roughnessMap + use metalness = 1.0 and no metalnessMap, same material looks very metalic, like I want it to be.

Thing is, I do not want to use metalness/roughness per values but via metalnessMap/roughnessMap → but this approach seems to not take roughnessMap or metalnessMap in account…

I´m pretty goldfish of what I can do to fix or debug that

The default value of metalness is 0. If you apply a metalnessMap, you have to set metalness to 1 in order to see an effect. That is because the sampled metalness value is multiplied with the material’s metalness factor (the metalness property). If it is 0, all metalness values in the fragment shader end up 0.