Crop 3d Model - I am using react three fiber and implemented the crop feature using clipping planes

I want to implement a crop feature for the 3d model so that I can crop that 3d model and export that cropped 3d model. I am using react three fiber and implemented the crop feature using clipping planes, but when I export that model, I cannot see those cropped changes. Any other ways to implement this one?

Clipping planes are purely a rendering effect. They don’t modify the actual geometry.

To do true clipping you’ll probably need something like three-bvh-csg

Or my own library:


Thanks, man. I will try this out.

If anyone has already implemented this please share a git repo or any codebase available.

It’s implemented in the code examples of the repo linked above


there’s an easier way also using the same csg library that is linked above GitHub - pmndrs/react-three-csg: 🚧 Constructive solid geometry for React