I use MeshDepthMaterial RGBADepthPacking and WebGLRenderTarget to save the scene contents and then read the depth information, but the depth value is greater than 1, right?
depthBuffer is uint8array from readRenderTargetPixels
unpackDownscale = ( 255. / 256. );
unpackFactors = new Vector4(unpackDownscale / ( 256. * 256. * 256. ),unpackDownscale / ( 256. * 256. ),unpackDownscale / 256.,unpackDownscale / 1. );
tempVec4.set(depthBuffer[ index + 0 ],depthBuffer[ index + 1 ],depthBuffer[ index + 2 ],depthBuffer[ index + 3 ] );
var depth = this.tempVec4.dot( this.unpackFactors );