I’m looking for some insight into the type of issues that would cause the following error so that I can resolve the problem. I’m using R107.
three.js:11903 THREE.BufferGeometry.computeBoundingSphere(): Computed radius is NaN. The "position" attribute is likely to have NaN values. BufferGeometry {uuid: "1F4641CE-9004-452A-838E-1DC69F07A323", name: "CrodGeometry", type: "BufferGeometry", index: null, attributes: {…}, …}attributes: {position: Float32BufferAttribute, color: Float32BufferAttribute}boundingBox: nullboundingSphere: Spherecenter: Vector3 {x: 722.9655294418335, y: 0, z: 278.7619934082031}radius: NaN__proto__: ObjectdrawRange: {start: 0, count: Infinity}groups: []index: nullmorphAttributes: {}name: "CrodGeometry"type: "BufferGeometry"userData: {}uuid: "1F4641CE-9004-452A-838E-1DC69F07A323"drawcalls: (...)id: 11offsets: (...)__proto__: EventDispatcher
computeBoundingSphere @ three.js:11903
drawCRods @ app.js:873
init @ app.js:1197
(anonymous) @ app.js:317
processModel @ model-loader.js:47
(anonymous) @ model-loader.js:35
(anonymous) @ three.js:34525
load (async)
load @ three.js:34505
(anonymous) @ model-loader.js:33
Promise.then (async)
load @ model-loader.js:28
mounted @ app.js:312
callHook @ vuejs-2.0.js:2878
mountComponent @ vuejs-2.0.js:2762
Vue$3.$mount @ vuejs-2.0.js:8349
Vue$3.$mount @ vuejs-2.0.js:10689
Vue._init @ vuejs-2.0.js:4524
Vue$3 @ vuejs-2.0.js:4609
renderDrawing @ app.js:306
BDF @ (index):410
onchange @ (index):446